Monday, April 14, 2008


It is like I am 5 years old and it's the night before Christmas! We find out what we are having tomorrow and I can barely concentrate on anything. The poll closed a couple days ago on what people thought we were having - majority thinks it is a girl. Lee and I think it is a boy but we only have a girl's name picked out so who knows?? I am ready for either...I just want to know what it is so I can start calling it by it's name and SHOPPING! My mom and I ran into Kohl's on Saturday and both of us could barely contain ourselves in the baby department. I kept picking up cute things and oohing and aahing...but then reason stepped in and I put them all back. Well, except for one set of onesies that had firetrucks on it....girl or boy my child will have to wear them in honor of my dad - Cap as he is going to be called. (Short for Captain - what they called him at the fire house)

Anyway, check back tomorrow night or Wednesday morning. We will post the BIG NEWS and some pictures of the little one. I am really excited about finding out but even more thrilled to see my little monkey (Amber, I am stealing this!) and see how big he or she is!!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the verdict!!!!!!!

Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

Soooo excited for you guys - this day is the absolute closest thing to Christmas morning when you are 6 that it gets as an adult.
Merry Baby News!!!

Amber said...

Steal away, girlfriend! The more monkeys the better!

Baby Copeland, if you can hear me, don't be shy tomorrow. Mommy needs to know because there is lots of shopping to be done asap! :)

Melinda Williams Moore said...


(I see a Hallmark career in my future).

I am so excited: Niece? Or Nephew? Auntie Melin and Uncle Cass are dying to know. (Plus, my ATM card is struggling to leap out of my wallet and start *kachinging* up the cute baby stuff. I'm ready, little baby.)