So Roscoe loves my belly and my luscious counterparts these days...haha! No longer is he content to lay beside me on the couch while I work on my laptop. NO...he wants to lay on all times! It is funny because Winston is oblivious to my new larger parts but Roscoe has clued in big time. I wonder what is going to happen when they are too big for him to lay his head on as I type? am I going to put the laptop on my lap and type with the belly in the way? Oh no....
look at roscoe! if he is anything like tripp he will have a rude awakening when baby c gets here! maybe we can get the babes together for a play date and the dogs as well! love you so~kristin & millie
Roscoe... Lucy here... Things will change soon... The stakes and rising and competition will be fierce... You will find safety here if the humans resort to such cruel tactics as NO sleeping on bed and NO jumping on couch. Don't say I didn't warn you. Be brave, soldier.
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